Friday, June 14, 2019

Business Management practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business Management practice - Essay ExampleManaging the workforce port and attitude in todays modern times still reflects the influence of at least six major teachs of management thought. These are the influences of Frederick Taylors Scientific Management, Henri Fayols Management Process School, the Human Relations School by Mayo, the Quantitative Sciences School, the General Systems Theory, and the more modern Management and Culture school of thought (Rodriguez, 2001). But the growing complexities of the modern organizations, even becoming global in character, become necessarily required the evolution and development of other perspectives to potbelly with people. In one article over the internet, one management consultant even declared that classic management theory dies (Joffinza, 2007). Modern times have brought the classic management theory into a challenge. New perspectives which emerge from the growing multi-cultural nature of organizations are borne, thus new paradigms ar e developed either to complement or replace the classic management theory.Since an organization is composed of individuals with varying personalities converging together to achieve organizational goals, it is inevitable that conflicting interests and clashing personalities leave slow down organizational momentum in achieving previously set goals. This is due to the fact that individuals have their own personal agenda that may be different from other co-workers. It is thus necessary to manage such varied behavior and attitude in the workplace in order to promote a harmonious inter-personal relationships in the workplace, thus minimizing any disruptive behavior that can affect the operations of the business.Managing the behavior and attitude of the workforce is so important in every organization that its study has already evolved as a formal discipline. Organizational behavior,

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